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Ep 112- Brewer and More

Kevin stops by the studio in this extended episode where the guys discuss SeaWorld, Busch Gardens, and all the other summer events happening around town. Food, random news, and a surprise phone call keep it interesting.


Recording Date- June 23, 2017, on WPRK 91.5 Winter Park (10AM-Noon)

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Ep 111 – SeaWorld’s Big Day (Kraken VR, Electric Ocean, and more)

SeaWorld Orlando goes all in on Virtual Reality and EDM to bring back the fans. We have interviews with Steve Welch, Creative Director for Entertainment Productions at SeaWorld Orlando; Erik Essig, Experience Design Manager @ SeaWorld’s Deep Blue Creative Studio; and Bryan Nadeau, Vice President of Operations at SeaWorld Orlando.



Recording Date- June 16, 2017, on WPRK 91.5 Winter Park (10AM-Noon)

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Ep 110- Our 3rd Birthday Blowout

On this special extended episode of #OTRonFM we celebrate our 3rd birthday with a new intro and a massive timeline of all the news that has happened in Central Florida tourism since we launched in 2014. This look back at the last three years is mixed with personal stories and inside jokes. Jake calls in to discuss a new double-decker bus tour that’s opening in Orlando then Kevin Brewer calls in to discuss his recent foodie adventures.


Recording Date- June 2, 2017, on WPRK 91.5 Winter Park (10AM-Noon)

Important Links

Double Decker buses come to Orlando

Jake’s History Hunters on Splendid China


Ken’s insane 72 point timeline of the last three years

  1. Transformation of Downtown Disney to Disney Springs (concept announced Aug, 2014)
  2. Skyplex announced (June 5, 2014)
  3. Diagon Alley opens at USF (July, 2014)
  4. I-Square megamall announced (July, 2014)
  5. Crayola comes to town (announced July, 2014)
  6. Kong comes to IOA (we broke the news of the project # (340) with Florida Thrill Parks)
  7. Falcon’s Fury opens at BGT (August, 2014)
  8. Sapphire Falls announced (Sept, 2014)
  9. Old Town announces remodel (Sept 2014)
  10. Philips Center opens (Nov, 2014)
  11. Artegon opens and closes (Dec 2014, Feb 2017)
  12. Jim Atchison leaves SW (Jan 2015), Manby comes on (announced Mar, 2015, started in Apr)
  13. Walburgers announced for Downtown Orlando (Dec, 2014)
  14. Flea World closed (Dec, 2015)
  15. Gwazi Closed (Feb, 2015)
  16. Shooting at Fun Spot I-Drive (Feb, 2015)
  17. Ringling retires the elephants (Mar, 2015)
  18. #OtterGate (Nov 2014, BGT issues statement Mar 2015)
  19. OTR spins out on its own (Mar, 2015)
  20. Epic McDonalds announce (Mar, 2015)
  21. Hub opens at MK (Mar, 2015)
  22. SW has social media meltdown (Mar 2015)
  23. Gator Spot comes to Fun Spot (April, 2015)
  24. Caption EO leaves Epcot (April 2015)
  25. SW announces Mako, Cobra’s Curse (May, 2015)
  26. I-Drive 360 opens (May 2015)
  27. Universal announces Nitendo partnership (May 2015)
  28. Legoland Florida Hotel opens (May 2015)
  29. House of Blues rape incident (July 2015
  30. Dining Pavilion at The Florida Mall opens (July, 2015)
  31. Fast and Furious leaked at USF (Aug, 2015)
  32. Margaritavilla announced for 192 (Aug, 2015)
  33. Skipper Canteen opens at MK (Aug, 2015)
  34. Soarin’ around the World, Frozen details released (Aug, 2015)
  35. OTR goes on FM radio (Oct, 2015)
  36. CSI abruptly closes on I-Drive (Oct 2015)
  37. iFly announces new location (Nov, 2015)
  38. Great Wolf Lodge announced (Nov, 2015)
  39. Fun Spot tests outs VR during IAAPA (Nov, 2015)
  40. Dynamic Attractions announces Orlando office (Nov, 2015)
  41. Skyplex is approved (Dec, 2015)
  42. Fun Spot announces big expansion (Jan 2016)
  43. Nick Hotel closes (Jan 2016)
  44. Mango’s has its grand opening (Jan 2016)
  45. Cuba opened to daily flights (Feb, 2016)
  46. Toothsome’s confirmed (Mar, 2016)
  47. SeaWorld announces end of orca breeding (Mar, 2016)
  48. Legoland confirms second hotel (Mar, 2016)
  49. Tidal Wave closes at BGT (Apr, 2016)
  50. Visit Florida gets first big review (Apr, 2016)
  51. Gatorland files permits for swamp buggy ride (May, 2016)
  52. Orlando announces plans to lure Pro Bowl to town (May, 2016)
  53. SeaWorld partners with Guy Harvey (May, 2016)
  54. Fun Spot and Old Town announce partnership (June, 2016)
  55. Pulse (June, 2016)
  56. Heroes and Legends announced for KSC (July 2016)
  57. Fat Ones opens at Florida Mall (Sept 2016)
  58. IAAPA announces HQ move to Orlando (Sept 2016)
  59. Anderetti breaks ground (Oct 2016)
  60. Hurricane Matthew hits (Oct 2016)
  61. SeaWorld announces new rides for all their parks (Nov 2016)
  62. Closure of Wet n Wild (Dec 2016)
  63. Tilikum dies (Jan, 2017)
  64. Coronado Springs, Caribbean Beach expansions, gondolas announced (Feb 2017)
  65. Rivers of Light opens (Feb 2017)
  66. Hogan’s announced for I-Drive (Feb, 2017)
  67. 4DX opens at Pointe Orlando (Mar 2017)
  68. Fallon opens at USF (Mar 2017)
  69. Miss Adventure Falls opens at TL (Mar 2017)
  70. Blue Horizons ends at SW (Mar 2017)
  71. Pandora opens (May 2017)
  72. Volcano Bay opens (May 2017)
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The Green Umbrella, the new home for numerous Artegon artists, opens today!

The Green Umbrella is having its grand opening this weekend. This Winter Park-based artist showroom is the new home to numerous Artegon vendors and artists. The Grand Opening on Friday includes various artists, special guests, and vendors displaying all kinds of local art. Special Guests include local street poet, Paul Felker, on today and meet-and-greets with Skippy Green, the Green Umbrella squirrel mascot, throughout the weekend.

Fine Artists include:

  • Ev Niewoehner
  • Danielle Werner
  • Ceramic Arts Gallery
  • Erix Arts
  • Sloane Delanoy
  • Linda Angio
  • Alan Towers

Vendors and Non-Profits include:

  • Peru Crafts (Items Made from Alpaca Fur, Himalayan Salt Lamps and MORE)
  • Winter Park Honey (Honey Beekeeping Supplies and Honey)
  • Nick’s Edibles (Edible Plant Nursery)
  • Remix Records
  • Sound Equipment (Boutique Electronics Repair)
  • Crown Bees (Solitary Bee Supplies)
  • Botanical Interests (Microgreen and Sprout Kits)
  • Mark’s Mixes (Memeberships to Grow the Worlds Largest Produce)
  • Orlando Permaculture

Bands include (will play from 6pm-10pm):

  • Rod Mathews (will open 6pm-7pm all three days)
  • Raspberry Pie in the Sky
  • Spirit Maps
  • Jessica Delacruz
  • James Sims Jr.
  • The GetBye
  • Captains of April
  • EC’s Pickle Liquid
  • The Cosmic Groove
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Launch of #OTRGrabBag

We’re proud to be launching a brand new monthly giveaway. Each month we’ll have a special OTR Grab Bag with brochures, park maps, media event gifts, and much more. Every month the giveaway will be a bit different and on a different OTR social media account. This month’s giveaway is via our Facebook Group. Simply join the group, find the post, and tell us your favorite (Non-OTR) podcast and why you love it.

A winner will be randomly selected each month on the 20th.

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