January 28, 2015
Is Indiana Jones Going To Animal Kingdom?
By Ken Storey
Back on July 3, 2014 I wrote shared some details of what would be coming to Disney’s Hollywood Studios (DHS). At that time I noted that this was only Part 1 of an ongoing story. Well now it looks like the other shoe has finally dropped and that means it’s time for Part 2.
In Part 1 focused on Hollywood Studios, but that won’t be the only park getting a major update of the next few years. While DHS is getting its reboot with two proven franchises, Pixar and Star Wars, over at Animal Kingdom (DAK) a just as popular but still to be proven franchise is being introduced. Problem is it’s been pretty obvious from Day 1 that Avatar wasn’t the ‘Potter Swatter’ that it was hoped to be. The project has already been delayed, stretched across two phases (which may now be bumped to one stage since Phase 1 has unofficially been delayed).
From early on there have been struggles of how to introduce food, beverage and merchandise into the new area. Back in November of 2013 I mentioned that Pandora will feature mess hall ruins that were planned to be doubled as a dining option. That may now be called off, in part to open the new land before the next movie and also in part due to the lack of authentic storyline (authenticity has seemingly become much more important since July 2014…).
Other dining and merchandise options have opened or are planned to open around DAK before Pandora. While Avatar has yet to be proven successful or not there is bigger issue for Disney here, oddly enough an exact issue that their primary competitor faces just up the road, is that a large chunk of merchandise sold has licensing fees being sent off to someone other than Disney.
While some at Disney has privately expressed interest in cancelling the whole project it seems to be moving forward, if for nothing else to keep James Cameron in the fold and on good terms.
Everest has been a popular ride at DAK but with Pandora opening across the park the draw of Everest might not be enough to even out the crowds. Dinosaur has seen some recent minor updates but even with those its popularity is nothing near what a large scale E-Ticket is in most other parks.
Back in the Nov 2013 article I also mentioned that the new Rivers of Light nighttime show was looking at using projection mapping technology, something we’ll be seeing to an extreme within Pandora itself, onto Everest. This was an attempt to both bring the show past the Tree of Life and into other parts of the park but it was also an attempt to draw guest into this side of the park.
Well it looks like the night time show won’t be using Everest in that manor after all but Disney has different plans to draw people into that side of the park. Remember back in July when I said Indiana Jones was getting a new address? Well it looks like it might be inside DAK. If the rumors I’ve heard are all correct he will be moving into the park with a new indoor E-Ticket, an outdoor small footprint ride, a dining experience and plenty of merchandise. The big question here is will the new indoor E-Ticket be something from a more ‘golden’ place or one more familiar with a ‘breath-taking’ city?
With the success of Chris Pratt in Guardians of the Galaxy (more on that IP in a coming article…) it looks like Disney has tapped him to reboot this beloved franchise. Gone are the aliens but luckily for us, and for the Merch Department, the whip, hat and other iconic items are here to stay.
It looks like Indiana Jones will be coming to DAK sometime in the mid to late 2020s. The current show at DHS will likely remain at least through the first half of 2016 with the stadium staying even longer.
Oddly enough there is another rumor floating around regarding DAK and these two rumors may be one in the same. Awhile back news broke that Disney was working with a group of South American investors looking to sponsor a new country at Epcot. Well those talks fell apart but the concepts have been moved and kept alive. South America may become the next country at DAK. A major indoor E-Ticket is planned, along with a daily free range bird show, some new merchandise and a small museum style exhibit are all planned for the South America land. It looks like Disney might even be courting a number of South American companies for sponsorship for many of the new attractions, something that has fallen off in popularity with American companies in more recent years. With the increases in wealth South American guests and the introduction of South American brands into the Central Florida market a sponsorship at Disney World might be just what one of these larger companies is looking for.
If the rumors of a new South America and the ones of Indy are actually one in the same it looks like Dinoland might not be long for this world. I’ve yet to hear anything that puts this beyond 50/50 but it would be a nice fix to one of the least popular areas of the park. This would also allow for the updating of many of the Oasis and Discovery Island exhibits. Maybe allowing for those exhibit spaces to feature/test other, less common animals that the park might feature in its 2030 expansion plans.
For now though it looks like we might be getting Pandora AND Indy. So what do you think? Would you like to see Indiana Jones at DAK? Will you miss the stunt show? Do you think Chris Pratt will make a good Indy?
July 7, 2017
Op/Ed – This Disney Decade Let’s Stay Level Headed by Ken Storey
By Ken Storey
The 1990s are known as the “Disney Decade” because of the massive growth at WDW under Eisner. Now we are in the early stages of another Disney Decade. This time, though, the massive growth here in Orlando will be paired with significant changes throughout the Disney corporation including the likely retirement of Disney’s current CEO and the complete restructuring of the media juggernaut ESPN.
With this in mind, I want to speak directly to my colleagues in the Central Florida tourism citizen journalist field. We must ensure that we continue to improve our accountability, our accuracy, and our overall quality of reporting.
Over the next few years many projects throughout the Disney corporation, and especially here in Orlando, will begin. Anytime a project, especially a local construction project, in under planning or construction many of us are given details before official confirmation on them. Often these details are afforded to us by our friends, coworkers, and Central Florida neighbors. It is our responsibility to ensure that any of these details we deem as necessary to publish are done so in such a way as to not put anyone’s employment in question or to share details that would be a danger to public safety. It’s better not to be first with a story than to cause a person their job.
These details are shared to us by those who we trust but even in such situations we, as a citizen journalist, must take a page out of our siblings in the mainstream media and verify details multiple times from various sources before announcing them.
Also, understand that as projects evolve plans do change. Just because someone might share something that later on proves to be incorrect doesn’t mean that person can’t be trusted, it only means they don’t know the whole story, but few people rarely do.
Anytime construction projects happen here in Central Florida details, and sometimes documents, are shared with many of us. Never publish these documents. They are usually specific to a group of subcontractors and sharing them could not only cost a single individual their job but could easily cost hundreds of locals their jobs. These documents also typically show both public and back of house areas. Sharing details on these back of house areas can be used by individuals who are seeking to cause harm to the public. It is our responsibility with the knowledge we are given to share it in such a way to that provides accurate recording while also protecting the general public from unnecessary safety lapses.
With website and social media rankings ever changing it’s important that we keep our heads when information and events are provided to us. No longer is being first most important. Quality, clarity, and trustworthiness is much greater than uploading a post mere seconds before someone else.
It is paramount that as we head into this new Disney Decade, we do so with plans in place on how to properly cover the endless tsunami of news that will define this great time to be a Central Florida tourism citizen journalist. Remember that we are all in this together, no story is worth someone’s job, and accuracy is more important than being first. With these things in mind we can make this Disney expansion era even greater than the last one because, unlike then, we can cover this like never before.
I hope you’re as excited as I am to be a part of such a great time in Central Florida history.