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Ep 67 – SEAS Orca Reactions from Eric Davis, Safari Mike and Erin Sullivan

SeaWorld announced a major change in the brand late last week that includes the ending of the orca breeding program. SeaWorld’s unofficial ambassador Eric Davis calls in to give his take on the news and the fan community’s reaction to the news. Safari Mike stops in to talk about what this decision at SeaWorld means for the aquarium and zoo community. Erin Sullivan, the former Editor of Orlando Weekly and, for a short time, the San Antonio Current. Erin talks about the how the local communities in Orlando and San Antonio reacted to the news. Jim and Andy give their insights into the news including what this means for the nearby SeaLife Aquarium.



SeaWorld’s Orca Announcement


Interview One

Song on Intro

Erin Sullivan

Recorded 3-18-16

Orlando Weekly

San Antonio Current

Orlando Weekly’s Blackfish piece

Song on Outro


Interview Two

Song on Intro

Safari Mike

Recorded 3-19-16

gp’ Everyone

OTR Ep 42 – Safari Mike Hopes For A Train But Not For a Monkey Island

Song on Outro


Interview Three

Eric Davis

Recorded 3-20-16

Awesome Ocean

Unofficial SeaWorld Podcast


OTR – Ep 19 – Interviews with Eric Davis and Frank Torres

Ep 49 – The Big Blue Super Long Whale of Show With Eric Davis

Song on Outro


Final Song



DJ Mo Radio Show

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Ep 66 – Robert Moves In at WDW

Robert gives us a mega-update from WDW including trip reports from DAK Lodge, Saratoga Springs and Wilderness Lodge. Plus the very latest on Tilikum’s declining health. News on a brand new, first in the region water slide and you won’t believe where it’s going. Also, Jim and Ken discuss Kylie Jenner and the Goo Goo Dolls.

Show Notes


Date of Recording: 3/11/15


Music- Song One | Song Two


Punch List

Tilikum’s status

Mako’s track is finished

Goo Goo Dolls cancel BGT concert

Fun Spot’s new lift hill LEDs are now installed

Sugar Factory has a VIP opening

Cody Simpson comes to Madame Tussauds

Daytona Lagoon gets an update

JetBlue pilot training center opening in Orlando

Embassy Suites downtown is sold

New details on the OCSC stadium

Glass slide in L.A.

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SideChat – Mr Entertainment Talks WWE Rumors and Holy Land Free Day Trip Report

Mr. Entertainment calls in to chat about the latest WWE rumors regarding Orlando. He then gives a first-hand account of what the Holy Land was like on this year’s free admission day.

This audio was originally broadcast on #OTRonFM on WPRK 91.5 FM on Mar 5, 2016.

Show Notes


Music- Song One



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Ep 64 – WWoHP East vs West with Universal Core

Today Ben of Universal Core stops by to share his thoughts on Wizarding World of Harry Potter East versus West. He talks about his trip to Universal Orlando resort and then chats about what it means to be a local covering Universal Hollywood. Disneyland, California Adventure and CityWalk are also discussed. During the Punch List Ken, Jim and Andy talk about the spying program SEAS announced it’s ending. News coming out of Merlin is also discussed. UCF Downtown is touched on and that massive crowd that came out of Fall Out Boy is talked about in detail.

Show Notes


Date of Recording: Main Event – 2/24/2016 | Punch List – 3/2/2016

Music: Song One | Song Two | Song Three

Punch List

Heroin ring busted near I-Drive

SEAS Conference Call

Secret Spies of SeaWorld

Cobra’s Curse video

Finding Dory trailer

Merlin buys stake in Big Bus Tours

Legoland News Announcement

Kongstruction Hello Kitty shop

Fall Out Boy fills USF

Downtown UCF approved

Seminole compact fails in Tallahassee

Flights from MCO to Cuba being pursued



Other Links-

Mighty Men of Mouse’s coverage of the DCL problem cruise

Wizard World of Harry Potter West 


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Ep 63 – Cuba and the Ratón

With breaking news from the Department of Transportation Cuba is the lead story today. Cost cutting at Disney World also takes a big part of the show. Details on new rides across SEAS parks is also discussed. The show is a short one but there’s still plenty to discuss. Please note that the show was recorded before the leadership shakeup at SEAS and before the Disneyland 60th Special where we learned new Star Wars land details.

Show Notes


Date of Recording: 2/17/2016

MusicSong One | Song Two | Song Three


  1. Adventures By Disney announces new U.S. tours including non-Disney Florida ones (Cape Canaveral, airboat tours, etc.)
  2. Cutbacks across WDW and DL as Shanghai costs soar (characters at Epcot, operating hours, etc.)
  3. Club Villain returns to DHS with higher cost tickets
  4. SEAS unveils ride vehicles for Mako, gives more details on the new ride
  5. New SWSD rides announced
  6. Cobra’s Curse details announced
  7. Dept of Transportation announces approval of up to 110 daily flights from U.S. to Cuba
  8. Disney extends Star Wars fireworks at DHS
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